April 17-18, 2023 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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April 17-18, 2023
Atlanta, GA
featuring A&D Raw Materials

Trends Talk: Digital Technology a Case Study

  • Tuesday, April 18, 2023:2:05 PM - 2:50 PM


Your customers expect you to handle more procure-to-pay data than ever before. From increasing numbers of firms and forecasts to releases through stock and WIP levels to shipment notifications full of rich data, the old manual data-entry methods are struggling to keep up. A case study will look at how suppliers are using software agents to remove the labor from customer data handling, refocus their valuable employees, and empower themselves in negotiations with their customers.

    Brian Smith
    ERP Administrator
    Morris Machine Company
    Emmeram Morning
    Robot Morning
    Kevin Foulkrod
    IT Systems Administrator
    Morris Machine Company
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